Dash of Faith Logo

A 2D platformer with Dash as core mechanic

At last it's here! We are very proud to present you our new trailer. We hope you have as much fun playing as we had developing it and wish you a lot of fun with Dash of Faith, which will be released on 06.03.2020.

We are Students at Berlin based School for Games. With our first semester project ”Dash of Faith” we wanted to create an atmospheric 2D platformer in whose creation we can jump-start honing our skills. If you got any feedback, positive or constructive let us know so we can continue improving!

Here you can find our promoinal art, ingame screenshots and the development process of our game.

Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild Road Trip Schild

Das Team Orochi. Hier findet ihr alle die am Pojekt mitgearbeitet haben.


Daniel Valenta



Mark Campbell

Lead Artist


Saskia Synowczyk



Frederike Bear



Carsten Joe Maczey



Aimée Wenzel



Leonard Gaub



Gidon Wolff
